International Women’s Day 2023 – An interview with Natalie Notley

In honour of International Women’s Day, we’ve interviewed some of our fantastic colleagues to celebrate their achievements, learn about their journeys, and recognise their inspirations. Read on to discover the amazing work the women in the financial, insurance and technology industries do, and join us in raising a toast to all of them

What is your name and role within SEG? Tell us a bit about yourself! 

Natalie Notley, Head of Platform Operations. I’ve been with Stubben Edge for five months now; seems like five years, things move so fast and we are creating so much! 

What does IWD mean to you/why is it important to celebrate? 

Part of me rebels against the idea of needing to call out how fabulous we are as women but at the same time, we are still a bit of an underdog. Even if we weren’t, why not have a day to shout about all the positive influences in our lives, reflect on all the amazing things we do and share some love? Personally, I rely hugely on my women friends for emotional support and as professional sounding boards. I had a Teams chat called ‘Hanging in There’ with three of my closest female colleagues during lockdown (we were all working full time and home schooling) and I genuinely would not have survived without that group. 

What is your proudest achievement while working at SEG? 

This is a tough one, as I am still learning something new every day. I think the proudest achievement is the work we are doing now, the planning, scoping, estimating and delivering for our next big deadline is a huge team effort and I am super proud of what we achieved in a short space of time. The output is really going to set Flight Deck up for success in 2023. 

Who is an inspirational woman/mentor to you who has helped you get where you are today? 

It’s not original, but my Mum. She was a full-time working mum, exec-level and in a world where there was no working from home. I look back now and I don’t know how she did it! (When did she get washing done??) My dad had his own business, so we only saw him for Sunday lunch, Mum was totally in charge of the house, family, everything. Her work ethic was bonkers. I remember her walking to the office (an hour and a half each way) when snow meant the roads were impassable. She continued to build her career whilst coping with me and my brother, getting me to and from auditions, rehearsals and performances (acting is not a once-a-week hobby), plus the sports I somehow crammed in, AND I did my homework AND spent time with friends….How did she do it all? 

She’s definitely been a role model and showed me that there are no limits. 

What is the most important message you want to send out to young women thinking about their careers? 

‘Inclusive’ isn’t the same as ‘equal’ – you will have different needs to others around you (men and women). It’s not a bad thing, it’s who you are and if those needs are respected the business/people around you will get the best from you. Any company/individual who makes you feel you need to apologise for your needs is not worth pleasing – move on. 

Self-doubt will come and go, don’t let it stop you! 

Check out our TikTok for our other International Women’s Day interviews, as well as our other blog here! 

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